Tuesday, October 26, 2010

So wanted to be made

This card has been desperate to be made for two days. I stated with the nude, all the other symbols gathered around her. I tried them on top of sooo many backgrounds, none worked and today while listening to the Seena Frost audio from kaleidosoul I tore images out of National Geographics and bingo, I had my background. So here it is. What's the reading? Spring? The Kingfisher is important, it's a bringer of love and prosperity. One flew into my window on Sunday. A loud wake up call? I think this might my first Companions Suite card?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Two new cards

Anu's 50th Birthday Card
This first one belongs with my Community Suite. Its the first one I have done for someone else. I made it for Anu's 50th birthday, quickly and at the last minute. I gave it a very brief reading and wrote it as a birthday message. It says complex, beautiful and full of joy. She is also musically and artistically very creative so that energy is there too. When I start doing my own readings I will know what it means if it comes up.

I did this yesterday my very recent trip to England for my Papa's 90th. It's surprisingly bleak and pastel.
One week home from family reunion
 I Am The One who has walked away from the security of a loving family. I Am The One who has left the land of my heart. I Am the One who has a father with not much time left.

What Gifts Do You Bring Me?
I bring you the gift of independence

What Do you Want From Me? 
I want you to soften and be more excepting of who you are and what you have done. I want you to be grateful for the wonderfulness of the life you have. Remember how it could have been if you stayed in England. Lost in a world of drugs. None of your friends there now are into the same as you. I want you to remember how much you have grown because you went away.

I there anything you would like to say to me today?
You have created a very fine life. Not possible had you stayed. Hey, you could even still be unconscious!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

SoulCollage® Information for this blog

This blog is called SoulCollage® which is a registered name, so I need to tell you a few things. It was founded by Seena Frost her web site it www.soulcollage.com

SoulCollage® cards can’t be sold, bartered or traded, they are for personal use only. They are about our inner journey.

I am grateful to, and thank, all the artists and photographers who have created the images I use for my cards. Its great, while looking for images, to look at so much talented work.