Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Still in North Carolina

Great day today. I went to Stephanie Ladd's house and we did SoulCollage together. What a great way to meet nice people. I am now a travelling SoulCollager! It was magic shifting through new images - and she made me a very nice lunch using some of the eggs from her six chooks! Stepanie has a great website  check it out.

These are the three cards I made: The first is my Shaman Council Card
second one, just below is my healthy in old age card
Final is my just off to Byron Katie School of the Work card. Out of the goop of my life with something wonderful about to engulf me!

Monday, October 10, 2011

SoulCollage with Niece Mia in NC

Just spent the afternoon doing SoulCollage with  Mia. I think her card is very beautiful and speaks to me of her very strongly. I made a complete bodge of my first one so I am not putting it up!
But then this community card below of her and her brother flowed in a second or two!!