Sunday, December 11, 2011

Terry and me ( Cary and Sarah are on post below)

Terry- I Am The One Who is offered great riches from the hand of God
Rosie - I Am The One Who nurtures the needy

Cary and Sarah

Cary - I am the heart of compassion
Sarah - I am the imaginative romantic

Friday, November 4, 2011

With Jill and Wayne

Jill and Wayne are staying and we did SoulCollage this morning. This is Wayne's card
This is Jill's
This is mine
 And I finished this one

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Still in North Carolina

Great day today. I went to Stephanie Ladd's house and we did SoulCollage together. What a great way to meet nice people. I am now a travelling SoulCollager! It was magic shifting through new images - and she made me a very nice lunch using some of the eggs from her six chooks! Stepanie has a great website  check it out.

These are the three cards I made: The first is my Shaman Council Card
second one, just below is my healthy in old age card
Final is my just off to Byron Katie School of the Work card. Out of the goop of my life with something wonderful about to engulf me!

Monday, October 10, 2011

SoulCollage with Niece Mia in NC

Just spent the afternoon doing SoulCollage with  Mia. I think her card is very beautiful and speaks to me of her very strongly. I made a complete bodge of my first one so I am not putting it up!
But then this community card below of her and her brother flowed in a second or two!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I am the one who has no patience

I did this card last week as part of the Julia Cameron Vein of Gold work I am finishing up with Lorraine. We needed to find were we have been patient in our lives and I couldn't find anything! Tonight is about dancing ourselves into feeling safe with taking a risk!

Soul Collage with Karin

Karin did some great readings with these and told me she felt so much lighter after making and reading the cards. YEA!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Hello visitor from Oceanside New York!

Nice to see you visit so often over the last couple of days.

Another animal/chakra card

I thought is was a penguin then right at the end of the meditation the kingfisher flew out and tapped me on my third eye!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tilda's cards

Back from meditation retreat

This card was made some weeks before I went on my 15 day meditation retreat. I had no idea of its meaning when I made it but when I was on the retreat I remembered it and knew just what is was telling me.

I Am The One who has been waiting for you to acknowledge me and take me in from the emptyness I have been living in for these many years. Thankfully the light of spirit shines on me while I sit here. This is what has kept me alive until you do more than talk about me but actually take me into your heart.

These are the two cards that are about the retreat experience.
 I Am The One Who is the wounded child who couldn't read till she was eight and who made that mean the world. I Am The One Who figured every one else gave me a hard time so I should too. I Am The One Who had painful reading sessions with my father, that ended with him angry and me in tears.  I Am The One Who has put those wounded children in my heart and is nurturing and loving them now.  I Am The One Who also had fun and smiled and enjoyed life. I Am The One Who had wonderful stories told to me by my father about Arisophenes the giraffe.

I Am The One Who continued to fail school as a teenager. I Am The One Who was always told "could try harder" I Am The Ones Who are the gargoyles in your right ear telling you you are not good enough or right and that you need to be different. I Am The One Who has some wonderful parcels at my disposal, filled with pleasant and beautiful surprises. I Am The One Who learns to open then and use them for my good.

And this card is me post retreat.
I Am The One Who is lighting the new flame of hope and renewal in my life. I Am The One Who has many more immense flames of inspiration and life to light. I Am The One Who is transforming into a new life.  I Am The One Who basks in the freshness and warmth of  the new life I am living. I Am The One Who is still strong and stroppy and ready to take on the world and who is loved by me for it.

You can read about the retreat experience - told as a story - here.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

SoulCollage with Carla

Ever so slowly getting there with finding people who are interested in SoulCollage. Just need to get Christine here and then I can start building a group, if we can all meet at the same time!
This was the card Carla made. It was so lovely when she finally found the background cos we both knew she had FOUND THE ONE!
And this is mine
I Am The One Who Is adventurous, playful and full of fun.

What gifts do you bring to me I bring you the gift of seeing that this is a part of you and reminding you that all those parts are alive parts of you even though they are not so present in your life right now.

What do you want from me. I want you to keep this card out where you can see it not tucked away where it is now. I want you to pick it up and look at it every day, especially the leaping girl who every time you look at her you think ah, that's me. It is you. that is why you feel such a closeness to her.

Is there anything else. Look at the movement in the card, the fun and speed and the randomness of it. This is you having fun!

Monday, May 2, 2011

I decided to make a birthday card for a dear, young friend who has just been diagnosed with cancer. I couldn't get past this image. I tried many and just kept getting called back to this one. It is just the one image pasted to the 5" x 8" card. My reading is:

I Am The One Who Is young, vulnerable but not afraid. I am held by something so much larger than myself I can't see it all, but when I look closely I see I am held carefully. It's not its intention to hurt me. It knows not what it does. But I do. I know. I look out from its enclosure with clear eyes and gently wait my time to jump free and once again frolic in the sunlight.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Two mysterious cards

I have NO idea what these are about but I find the one with the little kid walking off the jetty disturbing. And the little kid in space is not looking towards the light. Both made while Sarah was here.

Five minutes later, not so mysterious. I have to trust what the card on the left is saying to me.

I Am The One Who made a choice many years ago to not become a junkie. I show you that the enticement was strong, it looked like a beautiful, intricate and glowing point in your journey. But, if you study me, you can see that the path is actually the tongue of a poisonous snake. You knew that at some fundamental level so walked off fearlessly.

What gifts do you bring me I bring you the gift of acknowledgment of your wisdom even when you were still deeply unconscious.

What do you want from me nothing but for you to accept yourself more fully and remember the good moves you have made.

Is there anything you would like to say to me today I love your fearlessness. It is still there in you in so many ways.


Sarah - aged 12

My God daughter came to visit last night. She made these two cards and really enjoyed the process. This was her first time. I really enjoyed making them with her.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

For My Niece

I Am The One who is well, full of health and vibrant. I am using the elixir of life to help make me that way.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Soul Collage with my partner

Last night Terry and I - my partner for the last 23 years, the one I did the embrace of relationship card for - did SoulCollage together. I loved doing it with him and couldn't stop hugging and kissing him this morning.

 This is what he did:

His overall reading is: I Am The One Who is your life. I am your garden of Eden. I am the one who is me.

This is mine

I was trying for my inner lover card but was so drawn to this wonder cheeky girl. She doesn't judge so it something about my fun loving non judgmental self.

Friday, March 25, 2011

My inner critic

 I have done a reading for this.

I Am The One Who is never happy with any of your art and I want you to fail. I am the one who is scared so I keep my sharp saw always at hand to cut out the base you are standing on. We both know deep down that you are wasting you time and so your life that's why I stand in harsh judgment and I stand fearful for your future. 

What gifts do you bring me? We brig you the gift of awareness of us. By putting us out there your show yourself what you carry inside. By making us real and noticing us you take away some of our invisible power.

What do you want from me? We want you to break through the bullying energy we bring to your inner life. We want you to make a card for your inner lover. We want you to look at that card often and remember that we are just one small part of all that you are.

Is there anything else you would like to say to me today? Look how attractive the background is. Even when you make a card for your inner critic you are thoughtful and do a good job - as much as it pains me to say that!

Friday, March 18, 2011

I am the one who loses friends

Friendship seems to be my new theme. About to go to town but will do a proper reading on this is it has something to say.
I Am The One Who loses friends because I express my opinion too forcefully.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


All these bits have been hanging around for a few days. When I think I am cutting something out just to clean up is when I make my easiest cards!
This one is I Am The One who is still looking for a best friend who help see me through the rest of my life.

Monday, March 14, 2011

First Animal totum card

Disenchanted with the art so made today a SoulCollage day and did an animal totum chakra visualisation. An elephant stepped forward and touched my solar plexis. This is my card

Sunday, February 27, 2011

My first Transpersonal card

The Witness. This started as a swing bridge and I knew it was the Witness Card but a swing bridge?? Then I found this image and she had to go on and its still my witness card. Just Source and Soul Essence to go!

Another glorious session

This time with Trish Allen who I am having  delightful weekend with. She was totally taken with the process and I had to drag her away eventually so we could have some lunch at 3.45pm!  Three hours just went.
Here are her three cards in order.

 And here are my two.

My some times overwhelming persona even though I'm really just a big pussycat underneath
on  the right is a Council Card (my first) The Seeker

Friday, February 18, 2011

2 new cards

I played with Rebeh last night and be both made two cards. Her's were lovely. I would like to get them up here.
I Am The One who, after 23 years  is nurtured in the mutual relationship embrace with Terry

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My distrustful child

I Am The One who is surrounded by beauty and riches - but who is distrustful of what I have and somewhere deep down believes at any moment I could become poor and grubby.

What Gifts do you bring me? I bring you the gift of remembering to look around you and see all that you do have.

What do you want from me? I want you to do a daily gratitude, it can be small but everyday say I am grateful for this or that or all that I have

Is there anything you would like to say to me  today. I don't think I am finished I need more reminders of the beauty of your life.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Heart Politics

looking back over this blog it looks like I didn't do much soulcollage from mid December to end of January. Well in truth I haven't but I did do a whole lot of Soulcollage inspired cards for Heart Politics home groups which took up a lot of my time! At first I wasn't sure what to do, but then I found I had a theme of natural and human made . This post really should be about three back but here it is here.